Today, Oushka and I went to the Alan Aldridge exhibition at the design museum. It was outstanding! The volume of work was unreal! The bastards weren't letting you take photographs , but that didn't stop me!
An ol' friend of mine came to me the other day, in search of some promotional flyer's and stickers for his Volkswagen dubs enthusiasts club. Here are some examples of the text and imagery I have come up with so far.
Halftone patterns are brilliant! As I've learnt over the last couple of days You can source them from newspaper print. It's genius! All you have to do is find a bit of print thats got some nice contrast and enlarge it up to the max on the photocopy and Bob's your uncle!
This was a great experience. A three day workshop on editorial illustration. The workshop was based around the 12 day countdown to the U.S elections. Politics. Something I'm not totally interested in. But... It opened my eyes, I did actually enjoy it. I picked at random, day 7,
Last stand for outgunned McCain
within the article, it pointed out the 'Air War', the effect of that is that wherever you go in America, you cannot switch on the TV without seeing Obama advertising. So i used this as mystarting point for my illustration. The words Air War, immediately got the ol' brain ticking.
My first strong idea was Obama, as a plane, bombing America with his adverts.Dominating. Although in retrospect it does seem quite an obvious image, but i do think it works well. My Second idea came to me on the evening of the second day, over a quite puff and deep conversation with my brain.
Finally, i've started a new blog... I'm ready to show the world again, the strange life, of me...